4th Grade Physical Education May 2020

Hello everyone!
First of all, I hope you're doing ok and you are safe and sound at home :)

This section is going to be our little space for P.E classes in 4th Grade for MAY. I'll upload activities every week, with different things, I'd like you to do at home. Moreover, it would be awesome if you could comment here what you think about the activities or if you had any problems or have suggestions, I'll be happy to read you :)



Good morning players! In the link below you have a board game you can play up to 4 players. In every tile there's an activity or exercises you'll have to do. The game includes the tokens for players as well as a dice, everything you need to play the game. I hope you enjoy it :)

¡Buenos días jugadores! En el link que tenéis más abajo, hay un juego de mesa para jugar hasta 4 jugadores. EL juego incluye las fichas para jugar así como el dado, todo lo que necesitáis. Espero que os guste :)

Challenge ----> CLICK HERE 

Word search puzzle

Here you have a word search puzzle where you'll have to find the names of some of the most famous Spanish athletes, I'll give you a tip, all of the are women :) 

Word search puzzle ----> CLICK HERE 

Connect three!

We are going to play connect three, a famous board game played around the world, I'll leave picture below just to make sure we are talking about the same game :)

We are going to play this game doing something special and different, not just sitting down :) 

How to play

1.- Find someone to play with and get a pencil for each of you.
2.- Get on the floor with your partner and place a piece of paper in between you. 
3.- Plank time. The two players have to do a plank while playing the game.
4.- Whoever gets 3 in line first, wins. You can rest in between rounds if you get tired, no problem :)

Don't forget you can also do the plank using your knees ^^

Castellano: busca a alguien con quien jugar y que cada participante tenga un lápiz. Poned un trozo de papel entre los dos y poneos en el suelo. Tendréis que jugar al tres en raya, pero en el suelo haciendo una plancha mientras elegís dónde poner las X o los O, para ganar la partida. Podéis descansar por supuesto si os cansáis. 

X rays!

This is probably my favorite activity so far. It's really fun and I feel more comfortable recommending this sort of circuit rather than a circuit where you have to jump over chairs and things like that, where you can trip, fall down, and hurt pretty bad. Here there's a picture and you can get the idea of what I mean by X rays! :) 

As you see here, I would use toilet paper too if you can and want. Toilet paper is really cool for this game because if you touch it, it'll break and you won't get hurt. If you want, you can send pictures of the circuits you make at home :)

Castellano: quizá esta sea mi actividad favorita. Podéis usar papel higiénico o lo que prefiráis. Ponedlas como si fuesen rayos láser y tendréis que intentar cruzar sin tocarlos :) 

I hope you have fun! :) 

MAY 11TH - 14TH


This week we have a different type of activity which is called SUAVICESTO. As any other activity I post here, it's a suggestion, if you can do it/make it, awesome, if for some reason you can't/don't want, it's totally fine of course :)

Let me show you a picture first of what I mean when I say SUAVICESTO :)

This is a "device" you can easily make at home just with a couple of things you might have laying around. 

Things you'll need:
- A bottle of softener. 
- Scissors.
- Tape (optional but recommended for extra safety).

A picture of how you would make it :)

Basically, you just have to cut out the bottom of the bottle. Then you can (I recommend it) put some tape around the cap of the bottle and the edges where you cut the bottom (it might be a bit rough on the edges after cutting it).

If you want, you can also decorate it with some stickers or painting it, that's also up to you ^^

What can you do with a SUAVICESTO?

- Toss it in the air: you can toss a ball in the air and try to catch it with the Suavicesto.
- You can play fronton. Make the ball hit the wall and then catch it with the Suavicesto.
- Toss the ball in the air using the Suavicesto and catch it again.


This is our skeleton :)

You've probably noticed it has some red circles and numbers. Bad news is that I'd like you to tell me the names of the JOINTS we used to warm up every day in P.E before playing games or sports. 
You'll have a document of Teams where you can write the names of those joints :)

Four corners!

We've played this game before in the gym. In the video you have how you can play it and it's easy to do it at home. You just need a room and I'd say at least 3 people. Don'r forget to be as sneaky as you can while you move from one corner to another! 

Castellano: esta semana tenemos actividades un poco diferentes. 

La primera es la creación de un SUAVICESTO, por supuesto si queréis/podéis. Es muy sencillo y solo necesitáis un bote de suavizante o similar, unas tijeras y cinta adhesiva. Tenéis más arriba una imagen de los pases, es bastante sencillo creo :)
Con el SUAVICESTO, podéis jugar a juegos de pases o tirarla contra una pared y recogerla. Igual también os inventáis algún juego molón. 

La siguiente actividad es la del esqueleto. Tenéis un dibujo con diferentes círculos, para que pongáis el nombre de la articulación (en inglés) de las que calentamos antes de hacer actividad física en clase. 

Por último os dejo un juego que se llama "Four corners", podéis jugarlo en casa y creo que os gustará y que ya hemos jugado alguna vez en el gimnasio.  Una persona cuenta con los ojos cerrados, y el resto se tienen que poner en alguna de las cuatro esquina, que previamente habéis decidido qué número tiene cada una. El que la liga dice uno número (de una de las cuatro esquinas), la persona que esté en esa esquina, está eliminada y así hasta que quede uno solo, el ganador :)

I hope you like the games! Espero que os gusten los juegos :)

MAY 18TH - 22ND

Olympic Games Webquest!

The first activity that I have for you this week is a webquest. You might be wondering what a webquest is. Pretty simple, it's a set of question that you have to answer, gathering all the info from the internet. Inside the Microsoft Word document you have in Teams, you'll have all the link you need to find the answer. 
In every activity, every time you see an underlined blue word, it means it' a LINK and you can click on it to go to the website that'll give you the information you need :)

I hope you find it interesting and learn something new about the Olympic Games! You'll find the document and everything you need in your tasks section in Microsoft Teams :)

Castellano: hoy tenemos una actividad que se llama webquest. Una webquest simplemente son una serie de preguntas a las que tenéis que buscar respuesta en internet. En Teams, en la sección de tareas, veréis un documento de word con diferentes preguntas sobre los Juegos Olímpicos. Tenéis que buscar las respuestas a esas preguntas en Internet. Dentro del documento, cada vez que veáis una palabra subrayada y de color azul, quiere decir que es un enlace a una página web, para que en ese web busquéis las respuestas a las preguntas. 

Fingers coordination and rhythm!

Here you have two activities you can do to improve your finger coordination and rhythm. Two activities that you can do wherever you are with no equipment required ^^

Finger games I

Finger games II

Finally, time to work out!

This is what we can call YOUR NAME WORKOUT. Why do we call it this way? Easy, you have to do the exercises you'll see in the document below, according to the letters of your name. 

Once you've donde your name, you can practice with other people's names, like your parents or siblings if you want! 


Your name workout link ----> CLICK HERE

Castellano: para este entrenamiento, tenéis que hacer click en CLICK HERE, veréis un documento con las letras del abecedario. Por cada letra de vuestro tenéis que hacer el ejercicio que sale a la derecha. En muchos de ellos hay un vídeo explicativo de cómo funciona. No olvidéis calentar y a disfrutar :)

I hope you enjoy this week's activities :)

MAY 25TH - 29TH

This week I have a different type of activity for you and I hope you enjoy it :) 
This activity is based on Corporal Expression, which means, using your bodies to communicate feelings, thoughts and more. 
I've used this activity with other grades like 1st and 2nd, and I think it works really well for any grade. It always depends on you and how you want to do it. 

Let me introduce the activity "Crazy Hotel!

Basically, in this big activity you'll have to pretend you are in a hotel with up to 6 different rooms. In every room, you'll have to complete a challenge so you can move on to the next one. One of the players will be the DIRECTOR and the rest will be the GUESTS. So, put on you acting shoes cause here be go! ^^
I'll leave two links below, both of them are the same, the instructions to play in Spanish and English. 

Crazy Hotel ----> CLICK AQUÍ
Hotel Loco ----> CLICK AQUÍ

Castellano: esta semana la actividad es un poco diferente. Es una actividad grande que podéis hacer casa en hasta 6 espacios diferentes. Se trata de que uno de los jugadores será el DIRECTOR de un hotel y el resto los HUÉSPEDES. En cada habitación tendréis que completar un reto para poder pasar a la siguiente habitación. Arriba tenéis los enlaces para jugar, tanto en inglés como en castellano.

¡Espero que os guste! I hope you like it! :)

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