4th Grade Physical Education April 2020

Hello everyone!
First of all, I hope you're doing ok and you are safe and sound at home :)

This section is going to be our little space for P.E classes in 4th Grade from now on. I'll upload activities every week, with different things, I'd like you to do at home. Moreover, it would be awesome if you could comment here what you think about the activities or if you had any problems or have suggestions, I'll be happy to read you :)

APRIL 14TH - 17TH 

Jumping the rope challenge!!!

Click here ----> ROPE CHALLENGE  How many jumps over the rope can you do? 

Are you ready to test your reflexes? I hope you are :)

Let me show you a video of the challenge I'd like you to give it a go.

Click here ----> REFLEXES CHALLENGE How many pencils can you catch? 

Physical Education digital games

Ludos is a platform where you can create and play different educational games. This link I'm sharing with you (you'll find it below this text), will take you to a website where you can play different mini games based on Physical Education. I hope you enjoy them :)

Click here ----> Ludos Physical Education

And last but not least... Multiverse work out!

This is a tough work out session so don't forget to warm up as we used to do in class. 
Are you strong enough for this challenge? I think you are :)

BAD NEWS: maybe you've noticed you have a new notebook in Live worksheet (the platform you use with your teacher Rocío). This notebook will be useful to give you tiny simple tasks related to the activities I offer you here. Don't worry, we'll start slow so for this week I just want you to go check the notebook out and fill in a simple activity with questions related to the challenges and games I uploaded here. 

Castellano: en esta sección del Blog voy a ir subiendo cada semana actividades, retos y juegos que me gustaría hicieseis en casa. Como veis por ahora tenemos la primera semana de abril de clases. Tenéis unas cuentas actividades que me parecen interesantes y útiles para vosotros/as. 

En cuanto  las malas noticias jejeje Simplemente he abierto un cuaderno en la plataforma Live worksheet, igual que lo que usáis con Rocío, para mandaros pequeñas cositas ahí. No os preocupéis no será mucho ni muy complicado, simplemente para ir viendo qué os parecen las actividades y cómo las habéis hecho :) 

See you soon! ¡Nos vemos pronto! ^^


Demolition ball!

For this game you'll need some sort of long socks or stockings and a ball. Let me show you a video first, I think it'll help you :) CLICK HERE

Please don't forget to warm up before the game, specially your neck :) This game can be a challenge too, try it out and see how many things you can knock down (plastic bottles or other things that cannot be broken) and then you can challenge a relative! :)

Blow the cards!

This will be the second and final challenge of this week. You'll need cards and bottles or something you can put the naipes on as you'll see in the video. Let me show you what I'm talking about :) 

After you try, challenge someone in your family! :) 

Soccer and women

This is not an activity in which you'll be moving around but I still think it's important and I hope you like it. Below you'll se a video, it's a documentary about women and soccer and how different it is compared to masculine soccer. 

Physical Education at home with your family!

Do you want to play some games and do some exercise with your family? I've got you covered! This is a board game, similar to "OCA", in which you'll have to complete a challenge in every tile you land on. First, here you can check how to play and the rules. 

Now this is the link you have to click on to start playing :) ---> CLICK HERE

If you go to your Live worksheet account, you'll see there's a new worksheet you can do related to these activities :)

Castellano: para esta semana os propongo dos actividades/reto que tenéis con vídeo para que sea más sencillo entenderlo todo. Uno es un reto de derribar botellas de plástico con una media y una pelota. El otro reto consiste en soplar unas cartas, a ver quién tira más. 
Os he dejado también un vídeo sobre el fútbol femenino, espero que os guste y reflexionéis sobre las diferencias que hay en España entre el fútbol femenino y masculino. 

Por último, os dejo un juego de mesa de Educación Física, en el que habrá que completas retos en cada casilla :)

He dejado una pequeña ficha en vuestros cuadernos de Live worksheet para completar después de hacer las actividades. 


Warm up time!

This is a little warm up I'd like you to do before doing any other physical activity. Don't forget it's important to prepare our bodies before working out :

Homemade Frisbee!

This week we are creating our own frisbee. First of all, if you decide to craft this homemade frisbee, we careful when you use it at home and try to play in a safe area. You'll see a quick tutorial below :)

Spiderman workout!

This is my favorite activity this week. It consists of a series of exercises you can do at home, but there's a really cool dance at the beginning. Moreover, you can pick different options every time yo do it. So every workout can be different :)

Time to relax a bit

Last but not least, a little game to reduce your heartbeat and calm down after the Spiderman workout :) 

Castellano: esta semana he dejado cuatro actividades. La primera es un pequeño calentamiento parecido a lo que solíamos hacer en clase. La segunda actividad, es crear un frisbee, que podéis hacer con cartón y papel. Tened cuidado si lo hacéis, al utilizarlo en casa, siempre en zonas seguras y con la supervisión de un adulto :) 
Mi actividad favorita de esta semana, es el entrenamiento de Spiderman, en el que podéis elegir qué actividad hacer, así que cada vez podréis hacer un entrenamiento diferente. Además hay un baile muy molón al principio ^^
Finalmente, os dejo un pequeño juego más calmado para relajaros después del entrenamiento de spiderman. 

Espero que os guste :) 


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