2nd Grade Arts and Crafts May 2020

Welcome everyone!

This is going to be our little section for Arts and Crafts in 2nd Grade for May, I hope you enjoy it :)
I will update this section every week with a new craft or piece of art you can do at home. It is divided into months because I think it'll make everything easier in terms of organizing what you can do every week of every month :) 

The way we are going to work I think it's easy and simple for everyone. I will update this section with something you can do at home. Once you've finished you can send me and image of what you did to my gmail account so I can see the awesome job you did :) 

GMAIL ACCOUNT: alvaroibiza88@gmail.com

¡Bienvenid@s tod@s!

Esta será nuestra pequeña sección del Blog para las clases de Arte de 2º de Primaria, espero que os guste :)
Actualizaré esta página de forma semanal con cosas que podéis hacer en casa. Está dividida en secciones porque creo que será más fácil encontrar qué podéis hacer cada semana y cada mes. 

Cómo vamos a trabajar es sencillo para todos, creo y espero. Cuando terminéis alguna de las propuestas que ponga aquí, me podéis mandar una imagen a la cuenta de correo que dejo más abajo, así puedo ver las obras de arte que hacéis. 

CUENTA GMAIL: alvaroibiza88@gmail.com

MAY WEEK 1 (4th - 8th)

This week we are going to work on our Pablo Picasso skills. Pablo Picasso was a Spanish artist who tackled different approaches and tendencies during different periods of his life. He was active during the 19th and 20th century and he's well known for his cubism pieces of art. 

These are a few examples of his art.

Now let's see the things you'll need for this week's activity :)

- Old magazines. 
- Some sort of glue.
- Scissors (be careful ^^ )
- A piece of paper. 
- Markers or color pencils. 


  1. On the sheet of construction paper, use a marker to draw a circle or an oval for the head.
  2. Open up a few magazines and find big enough eyes (2), nose, mouth and accessories (hair, hats, items to go on as shirts, etc). Cut them up. Make the eyes look different so the artwork looks mismatched.
  3. Place all the pieces on the drawn head to see where they would be placed and then glue the pieces in the right place. The more unique, the better your Pablo Picasso-ish artwork will be!
  4. Let them dry thoroughly and display them proudly.

Castellano: esta semana tenemos como artista invitado a Pablo Picasso. Fue un artista español que desarrolló su obra a lo largo de diferentes tendencias, una de las más conocidas el cubismo, como en los ejemplos que podéis ver más arriba. 

Para esta actividad necesitaréis los siguientes materiales:
- Revistas viejas.
- Tijeras.
- Pegamento.
- Rotuladores o lápices de colores.
- Un folio. 

Los pasos a seguir serían los siguientes:
1.- En el papel con los rotuladores o lápices de colores, dibujar un óvalo para hacer la "forma de la cabeza". 
2.- Con las revistas viejas, buscar ojos, boca, nariz, orejas, pelo. En definitiva, todo lo que queráis ponerle a vuestra "cabeza". 
3.- Antes de poner el pegamento, coloca todas las partes que has recortado en el óvalo que has dibujado antes, para decidir cómo colocar todo.
4.- Una vez hayas decidido dónde poner todas las partes, toca usar el pegamento y ponerlas en el folio. 
5.- Dejarlo secar y a disfrutar de vuestra obra de arte :

I hope you like the activity! 
¡Espero que os guste la actividad!

MAY WEEK 2 (11th - 15th)

Next week we celebrate San Isidro, and even though it might not be as fun as it would be if we were in school, we can still do some pretty cool stuff :) 

The activity we have this week is a bit more challenging I'd say. As any other activity I suggest here, if you don't feel like doing it or thinks it's going to take too much time, it's always up to you if you wanna make it, but I think it can be pretty fun. Moreover, if you make it, you can wear it when you go for a walk outside and brag about your skills! ^^

Ok Álvaro, but what are we making this week?! 

Simple, we are making a sort of San Isidro flower! ^^

What do I need? 
- Color paper (if you don have it, you can also use bank paper and color it yourself :)
- Glue.
- Scissors (be careful please ^^ )
- 1 cotton bud (bastoncillo de los oídos).


Castellano: esta semana haremos unas flores de San Isidro. Como todas las actividades que pongo aquí, las propongo siempre dejando a vuestro criterio si os parece interesante hacerlas o no, pero pensad que podéis hacer una flor bien molona y luego ponérosla cuando vayáis a dar un paseo :) 

¡Espero que os guste! I hope you like it! ^^

MAY WEEK 3 (18th - 22nd)

Let's go with this week's activity :)

This week I'd like to work on a Spanish artist again. This time is going to be Antoni Gaudí. 
If you've ever been to Barcelona, you probably know about him. Below, you have some of his work that you might recognize around Barcelona ^^

Sagrada Familia

Casa Batlló

The lizard at "Parque Güell"

So maybe now you are wondering, what we are going to do related to these pieces of art. Let me show you an example before I explain the activity. 

As you can see in the picture above, we are going to create out own "Gaudí style animals" :) 
It is pretty simple and fun I think. You just have to draw the shape of an animal on a paper. Then, instead of coloring it like you usually do, we are going to "color" the animal using different tiny shapes and colors like in the examples. 

The small shapes you use and the colors are totally up to you, release the artist you have inside and have fun! :) 

Castellano: este semana vamos a trabajar en parte del estilo de Antoni Gaudí. Lo que vamos a hacer son animales, parecidos al lagarto del Parque Güell. Es muy sencillo, solo tenéis que dibujar la silueta de un animal en un folio. Cuando tengáis la silueta del animalico que queréis hacer, lo vais a colorear de una forma diferente.  Se trata de hacer pequeñas figuras como cuadrados, triángulos o lo que os apetezca, y esas figuras serán de colores diferentes, como veis en la imagen de ejemplo de arriba. 

¡Espero que os guste! I hope you like it! :)

MAY WEEK 4 (25th - 29th)

Toilet paper roll ideas!

This week we have an activity that's going to be based on reusing something you probably have at home, TOILET PAPER ROLLS. 

I'll leave here some ideas of what you can do with toilet paper rolls. There are no rules in this activity apart from that you have to use toilet paper rolls. You can cut them, glue them, color them, whatever you want, use your imagination and let's see what you can come up with :) 

Castellano: esta semana la actividad va de reutilizar cosas que tenéis en casa seguro, los rollos de papel. Podéis hacer lo que se os curra, colorearlo, pintarlo, cortarlo, pegarlo, hacer formas, animales, lo que se os ocurra. He dejado arriba algunos ejemplos, pero podéis hacer lo que se os curra :)

¡Espero que os guste! I hope you like it! ^^

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